DMARC (Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance) is an email authentication standard or protocol that determines whether an email is authentic or not. It relies on SPF and DKIM, two other protocols, to decide the authentication status of an email. It provides visibility of the sources sending emails from your domain, ensures better deliverability and most importantly, provides security to ensure that yourdomain does not fall prey to spoofing, phishing, and impersonation attacks.
To combat email security threats, several protocols were created to authenticate email senders in the past. DMARC, however, established a standard where both sender and receiver agreed to configure their email systems with DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) and SPF (Sender Policy Framework). In a nutshell, SPF allows email senders to determine which IP addresses are allowed to send mail for a distinct domain. DKIM, on the other hand, provides an encryption key and digital signature that confirms if an email message was forged or modified.
Essentially, DMARC has the following missions:
- Develop plans to publish policies on handling authenticated emails
- Enable receivers to provide authentication reports for the improvement of their authentication monitoring infrastructure
- Developa formal standard that can be followed by all organizations and clients
If fraudsters are detected, DMARC tells the receiver’s server to quarantine or reject the communication based on the policies set in place by the domain owners.Moreover, it sends information back to the sending server in an attempt to inform the domain administrators about any suspicious activities.
Before we diveinto how DMARC helps protect brands and organizations, we must first understandthe parameters associated with DMARC, i.e., SPF and DKIM.
SPF or Sender Policy Framework(SPF) is an email authentication protocol that allows the owner of a domain tospecify which email servers are permitted to send emails from their domain. SPF detects forged sender addresses while the email is still in transit. Messages sent from a company or domain that does not include SPF are more likely to be flagged as spam by the recipient mail servers.
DKIM or DomainKeys Identified Mail is an anti-tamper protocol that ensures security of an email intransit. DKIM uses digital signatures to check if the email message was truly sent by the domain it claims to be from. Once the receiver verifies that an email is signed with a valid DKIM signature, it is clear that the integrity of the email is preserved.
These two protocols work in alignment with DMARC to ensure email deliverability and email security. They help companiesand brands protect their data and money by preventing phishing, spoofing, and email-based cyber attacks of any kind.
Brands that are not DMARC compliant end up losinghuge sums of money and data due to cyberattacks and data breaches. Here aresome statistics that represent the urgency of email security in the modern world:
- The average money lost in a databreach is $3.86m (IBM)
- Phishing accounts for more than 90%of data breaches worldwide.
- 15% of the individuals who were successfully phished will be targeted at least once more within the same year.
- Companies lost over $12 billion owingto BEC scams (FBI).
- Phishing attempts have grown morethan 65% during the 2019-2020 period.
- 76% of businesses reported being avictim of a phishing attack in 2020 alone.
- 30% of all phishing messages are opened by unsuspectingvictims (Verizon).
These stats present a grim picture of the current scenario ofemail security. It shows how vulnerable brands are if they do not follow oradopt the latest security standards. Fortunately, however, Now that you have seen how dangerous the cyberworld is let’s dive into the benefits a brand has when they are DMARC compliant.d
DMARC Benefits for your brand:
Implementing DMARC provides you with the following benefits:
- Brand Reputation: Using a DMARC record secures your reputation by forestalling unauthenticated parties from sending messages using your domain. Your brand integrity is protected as DMARC keeps your domain out of an attacker’s arsenal of faked email domains.
- Email Visibility: You can acquire reports on email messages sent on behalf of your domain from all acrossthe internet using the DMARC reporting system. These reports provide an in-depth look at how your email domains are being used and how you can optimize your email communications.
- Email Security: DMARC helps you deal with security threats such as spam, phishing, and spoofing by helping you build a steady strategy for managing email messages that fail authentication. This makes the email system safer and more dependable.
- Email Delivery: Even valid emails might sometimes end upin spam folders, which can be problematic when they contain sensitive medicalinformation or other important data. DMARC provides additional assurance that if emails sent by a specific company are authentic, they will be delivered to your inbox. d
It is imperative that DMARC is adopted by every significant brand and organization to maximize security and minimize losses. DMARC works as the first line of defense against fraudulent emails and increases reliability and visibility of domain owners.